Friday, May 1, 2015

The Europian-Islamic Connection

Recent terrorism stats released by the European Union are a lie. Their stats claim that the majority of terrorist activities in Europe are not related to Islam. In fact, Europe claims that only a small percentage of terrorist attacks are religiously motivated. As you will quickly discover, this information is wrong.

The problem is that Europe does not factor in deaths when it comes to stats. They equate each terrorist activity to one another. For example, a terrorist activity which relates to zero deaths is treated exactly the same as an activity which leads to ten or more deaths. If you go into depth on the stats, you will find that there are more deaths caused by Islamic extremism than any other reason. There may be less religious attacks overall, but the death count is going to be far higher.

One of the biggest problems faced by the European Union now is not actually terrorist attacks on the continent. It is terrorist attacks away from the continent. Europe is having an impact though. You see, lax laws on the continent have meant that it is very easy for terrorists to earn the funds that they need here. They can then take the cash, deposit it in their European banks, and then filter it off to carry out terrorist atrocities in other countries.

 All of this is carried out by a guy called Hamud bin-Uqla Al-Shuaibi and a union, which is a collection of Muslim Brotherhood organisations. This union is known as ‘Union of Good’. What this union does is come to the continent, set up a few charities, as a front for money laundering, take money, and then filter it off to terrorist organisations such as al-Qaeda and Hamas.

Now, the ‘Union of Good’ is banned in Europe and rightfully so. However, you do have to realise that the laws that we have in place in Europe are not exactly watertight at the moment. They are getting there, but the process is rather slow. This means that there are some organisations who are slipping through the nets and who are still able to make an income despite the union being banned.

One of these groups that was previously known, the ‘al-Aqsa Foundation’is now called Aksahum (Click here for more info). It operates in Belgium, as a charity. It has branches all over Europe and the Middle East though. This organisation takes in money, under a charitable name, and distributes it to help fund terrorist activities around the globe. The problem is that Europe, well Belgium in particular, are very reluctant to shut the organisation down. There is no indication as to why this is the case. It is most likely down to the very narrow definition of terrorism in European law. This is that it is very hard to prove that Aksahum are directly funding terrorist activities. They are part of a previous organisation that did, obviously, but it is still difficult to prove that it is being funded by this group and until that can be proven, Europe will play a huge role in promoting terrorism across the globe.

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